Knot Your Average Massage
Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Practical Nurse


Welcome! If you live in the Northern Virginia area and are looking for ultimate relaxation and a healthier you, then you have come to the right place. 

Massage is known to improve circulation, improve immune system response,  and increase joint range-of-motion and flexibility. It can reduce common ailments such as stress, muscle tightness, muscle aches and pains, migraines, and even anxiety and depression.  Massage can also help to alleviate repetitive stress, sports injuries, speed healing and offer relief to individuals with chronic structural alignment issues. Take time to relax and recharge. 

Thanks for visiting! 


"Before you massage the body of a client, be patient to learn their story. For once you learn their story, you will also come to know their body."  

 ~ Massage Therapist